Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Pradeepan's Indian Cuisine
Pradeepan's Indian Cuisine
Category: Business
Continent: North America
Country: United States of America
State: New Jersey
County: Hudson County
City: Jersey City
Locale: Newark Avenue
1st appearance: All-New Marvel NOW! Point One #1

Pradeepan's Indian Cuisine is a fictional business featured in comic books published by Marvel Comics. It first appeared in the fifth story from the All-New Marvel NOW! Point One one-shot special featuring Ms. Marvel called "Garden State of Mind".


Pradeepan's Indian Cuisine is an Indian restaurant located on Newark Avenue in Jersey City. The Khan family held a mehndi (pre-wedding party) here for a cousin of Kamala Khan. Kamala was late arriving for the party because she was busy fighting up against a "junk thingie" and reeked of garbage. Her mother and she got into an argument over Kamala's "secret life". [1]



All-New Marvel NOW! Point One 1

