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Pinehurst Youth Development Center
Pinehurst Youth Development Center
Continuity: Friday the 13th
Aliases: Pinehurst Halfway House
Category: Residence
State: New Jersey
County: Wessex County
1st appearance: Friday the 13th: A New Beginning

Pinehurst Youth Development Center is a fictional halfway house featured in the Friday the 13th mythos. It was the primary setting of the fifth film in the series, Friday the 13th: A New Beginning.

Residents of Pinehurst Youth Development Center[]




  • The exact location of the Pinehurst Youth Development Center is unclear, but it appears to be within short driving distance of Camp Crystal Lake. The first three films in the series firmly establish that Crystal Lake is located in Southern New Jersey.

See also[]

Friday the 13th media

The World of Jason Voorhees

External Links[]

