The Phoenix was an American television series produced by Mark Carliner Productions and aired on ABC from April 26th, 1981 to April 16th, 1982. The initial pilot episode was a 90 min. inaugural movie, but the series was cancelled before a full season of the show could be produced. Aside from the pilot, only four episodes of The Phoenix were ever broadcast. The series starred Judson Scott as Bennu of the Golden Light, an extraterrestrial who is discovered in a sarcophagus in Peru and set free. Using the power of the Phoenix Amulet, Bennu sets off to find Mira, another alien from his world, but must contend with government agent Justin Preminger, played by Richard Lynch, who doggedly pursues Bennu in the hopes of learning the secret behind his fantastic powers.
Phoenix miscellaneous This article relates to the Phoenix television series. This template will categorize articles that include it into the Phoenix miscellaneous category.