Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Planet: Earth
Continent: North America
Country: United States of America
State: Virginia
County: Arlington County
Residents: Bureau of Normalcy
Men from N.O.W.H.E.R.E.
Points of interest: Ant Farm

The Pentagon is the name of a US Federal building located in Arlington County, Virginia. It is the headquarters of the military apparatus of the United States and houses the U.S. Department of Defense. Construction on the building began on September 11th, 1941 and was completed on January 15th, 1943 at a cost of 83 million dollars.

The Pentagon plays a large role in the genres of speculative fiction and is often found in stories involving threats of a national level, such as an alien invasion or giant monster rampage as well as the more mundane, yet equally important conventional threats including terrorist activity.

Points of Interest[]

Ant Farm
The Ant Farm is a top-secret organization contained within the basement of the Pentagon. It was here that the Men from N.O.W.H.E.R.E. retained and studied those that were considered non-conventional organisms, including people who possessed super-powers, those of alien heritage, and beings from other dimensions. As time wore on, the Men from N.O.W.H.E.R.E. turned from studying such beings to weaponizing them. Those that they could not weaponize, were executed. One of the subjects housed at the Ant Farm was the reality-warping beach hero known as Flex Mentallo.

Films that take place at the Pentagon[]

TV shows that take place at the Pentagon[]

Comics that take place at the Pentagon[]

Notes & Trivia[]

External Links[]


Real World locations
