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Patrick Doyle
Vital statistics
Name Patrick Doyle
Aliases Pat Doyle
Roles Composer
Place of birth South Lanarkshire, Scotland
Gender Male
Date of birth April 6th, 1953
Date of death
First appearance Frankenstein (1994)

Patrick Doyle is a film score composer and conductor born in South Lanarkshire, Scotland on April 6th, 1953. He has worked on several films with director/actor Kenneth Branagh including Branagh's iteration of Mary Shelly's Frankenstein, where he also played a brief part as a symphony conductor. In 2011, Patrick was the composer of the quasi-prequel remake Rise of the Planet of the Apes.

Body of work[]


Film Year Role
Frankenstein 1994 Composer
Rise of the Planet of the Apes 2011 Composer
Thor 2011 Composer

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Patrick has also been credited under the names Alec Simmons and Percy Simmons.

External Links[]

