Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Includes a list of characters, actors and production crew members whose first names are Pam.


Pam was an elderly woman at the Town's End Café in Five Keys, New Mexico. She was present the day that Elise Rainier had an awkward reunion with her estranged brother Christian, whom she had not seen since she was 16-years-old. Pam also served Christian's daughters, Melissa and Imogen at this time. (Insidious: The Last Key)

Jessica Jones[]

Jessica Jones 1x01 004

Pam worked as a personal assistant for the Hogarth, Chao & Benowitz, LLP law firm in New York City, New York. She was also the lover of senior partner, Jeri Hogarth, who was actually married to a woman named Wendy Ross. Pam was the first to discover that Wendy became aware of their affair and interrupted a meeting between Jeri and Jessica Jones in order to privately break the news to Jeri.

Slumber Party Massacre[]

Pam - SPM 001

Pam was a handywoman who lived in Los Angeles, California in the early 1980s. She was hired by high school basketball coach Rachel Jana to do various chores at her home. When Rachel returned home from work one day, she was shocked when a drill bit came through the front door just as she was getting ready to enter. Pam was in the middle of drilling a peep hole that Rachel had requested. Pam apologized for startling her and told Rachel that the telephone repairman had arrived earlier that day. Rachel asked her if she had seen her cat, but Pam had not seen it. She then told Rachel that she would work on completing a bookshelf for her sometime the following Tuesday. For reasons unknown, Pam then immediately left the house without finishing up her work. (Slumber Party Massacre)
