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"Who hasn't seen the dark corners of great cities, whose small and shabby creatures wander without purpose in the secret corners of the night? Without purpose? There are those whose purpose reaches far beyond our wildest dreams."
"Controlled Experiment"
Series The Outer Limits
Season 1, Episode 16
Outer Limits - Controlled Experiment 001
Air date January 13th, 1964
Writers Leslie Stevens
Director Leslie Stevens
Starring Barry Morse; Carroll O'Connor; Grace Lee Whitney; Robert Fortier; Linda Hutchins
Episode guide
"The Mice"
"Don't Open Till Doomsday"

"Controlled Experiment" is the sixteenth episode of season one of the science fiction anthology series The Outer Limits. It was written and directed by Leslie Stevens and first aired on ABC on January 13th, 1964. In this episode, the inhabitants of the planet Mars send two representatives, Phobos and Deimos, to the planet Earth to research humanity's capacity to commit murder - a concept that they find completely strange to their culture.



Actor Role
Barry Morse Phobos One
Carroll O'Connor Deimos
Grace Lee Whitney Carla Duveen
Robert Fortier Bert Hamill
Linda Hutchins Arlene Schnabel
Leslie Stevens Martian computer control

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Actor Carroll O'Connor is best known for playing racist blue-collar worker Archie Bunker on the 1970s-80s sitcom All in the Family.
  • Actress Linda Hutchins also appears in the season two episode, "The Inheritors (Part 1)", where she plays a nurse.


  • Phobos and Deimos are named after two of Mars' moons.



See also[]

External Links[]

TOS 1x1 001
"All hands, Red Alert!"

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