Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Otis Graves 001
Otis Graves
Continuity: DC Television Universe
Series: Supergirl
Notability: Recurring character
Type: Antagonist
Occupation: Terrorist
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Location: National City
Associations: Children of Liberty
Relatives: Mercy Graves [1]
Status: Formerly deceased
First: "American Alien"
Actor: Robert Baker

Otis Graves is a fictional terrorist and a minor recurring antagonist in the DC Television Universe. He appeared in season four of the TV series Supergirl where he was played by actor Robert Baker. He was introduced in the season premiere, "American Alien", and made four appearances in the series in total.


Otis Graves was the brother of Mercy Graves and a member of the Children of Liberty under the leadership of Ben Lockwood. They maintained a humanity-first anti-alien agenda, and actively sought to capture and/or destroy aliens residing in National City. One of the aliens they managed to capture was the Hellgrammite, whom they mentally controlled and sent out to battle Supergirl. The Hellgrammite managed to free himself from their control and killed Mercy and Otis with his body spikes. [2]

Notes & Trivia[]

See also[]


The Flash

Legends of Tomorrow


  1. Supergirl: American Alien
  2. Supergirl: Fallout
  3. Supergirl: Man of Steel
  4. Supergirl: Ahimsa
  5. Supergirl: O Brother, Where Art Thou?
  6. Supergirl: The House of L


  1. Sister; deceased.
  2. Supergirl: Ahimsa