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"I look at it like this. Before I came on stage, the universe had been around for twelve billion years. All that time, I was in a state of non existence and it wasn't bad. Pretty comfortable as a matter of fact. So, I figure it'll be just as comfortable for the next twelve billion years."
Doctor Kurt Mendel
"Pilot (Part 1)"
Series Odyssey 5
Season 1, Episode 1
Odyssey 5 1x01 001
Air date June 21st, 2002
Writers Manny Coto
Director David Carson
Producers Manny Coto; Jonathan Glassner; Nicholas J. Gray; Jim Michaels; Gary Mueller; Tracy Tormé
Starring Peter Weller; Sebastian Roché; Christopher Gorham; Leslie Silva; Tamara Craig Thomas; Gina Clayton
Episode guide
"Pilot (Part 2)"

"Pilot (Part 1)" is the first chapter to the two-part premiere episode of the Canadian science fiction television series Odyssey 5. The episode was directed by David Carson and written by series creator Manny Coto. It first aired on Showtime in the United States on June 21st, 2002.


Principal Cast[]

Actor Role
Peter Weller Chuck Taggart
Sebastian Roché Kurt Mendel
Christopher Gorham Neil Taggart
Leslie Silva Sarah Forbes
Tamara Craig Thomas Angela Perry
Gina Clayton Paige Taggart

Guest Stars[]

Actor Role
John Neville The Seeker
Kenneth Mitchell Marc Taggart
Alex Appel Kaylee
Lorry Ayers Reporter
Matti Birman Shuttle pilot
Richard Blackburn Ed Scrivens
Daneen Boone Hooker
Lindy Booth Holly Culverson
J. Adam Brown Wade
George Buza Matthew Pallard
Nicholas Carella Diaz
Katia Corriveau Hooker on top
Craig Eldridge Matt Walsh
Matthew Finalson Male grad student
Derwin Phillips Security guard
Conrad Pla Paul Nieves
Kim Roberts Doctor Egrari
Austin Schatz Chaplain
Maria Vacratsis Elaine Wilkerson
Philip Williams Gerald Wilkerson

Notes & Trivia[]

  • This episode is included on the Odyssey 5: The Complete Series DVD collection.


  • Chuck Taggart: Now, I am going to depressurize this cabin. You can get into an enclosure if you want, or you can sit here and twiddle your thumbs while you decompress, but if that's your choice, do me a favor and get your ass in a sleeping bag and zip the fucker up, because I do not wish to spend my last living hours cleaning up the mess!


  • Kurt Mendel: Closer... closer... Do it, do it baby.
  • Sarah Forbes: Why does everything that comes out of your mouth have something to do with sex?!
  • Kurt Mendel: Maybe because we're riding in a three billion dollar phallic symbol. Don't quote me.
  • Sarah Forbes: If I started quoting you, they'd shut down the space program.


  • Sarah Forbes: I should've expected it
  • Neil Taggart: What?
  • Sarah Forbes: God is an old white guy.


  • Sarah Forbes: Doctor Mendel would you care to explain the specifics of the work you'll be doing?
  • Kurt Mendel: Well, Sarah, the thrust of my work will be to erect a series of hard protocols designed to penetrate the ins and outs of zero g environment on DNA sequencing. Hopefully it would all come together.

See also[]

External Links[]

TOS 1x1 001
"All hands, Red Alert!"

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