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The OMAC Project
Title: The OMAC Project
Publisher: DC Comics
Type: Limited series
Years published: June-November, 2005
Total issues: 6
Featuring: O.M.A.C.s
Creators: Greg Rucka; Jesús Saiz; Cliff Richards; Bob Wiacek; Jose Ladrönn; Rachel Gluckstern; Joan Hilty
Previous: OMAC, Vol. 1
Next: OMAC, Vol. 2

The OMAC Project is an American comic book limited series of the superhero fantasy and science fiction genres. It was published by DC Comics and ran for six issues from June, 2005 to November, 2005. The series was written by Greg Rucka with artwork and inks by Jesús Saiz. It was colored by Hi-Fi Design and lettered by Phil Balsman. The series was edited by Joan Hilty with Rachel Gluckstern as assistant editor. Cover art illustrations were rendered by Jose Ladrönn.

OMACs are people scattered across the world who harbor invasive technology in their bodies but do not know it. When activated, the technology can be used to spy on the human hosts' surroundings, control their bodies or transform any of them into one of a visually identical set of remote-controlled superhuman beings. The human hosts of the OMAC technology act as unwitting sleeper agents for former Justice League associate Maxwell Lord.

The OMACs are guided by the "Brother Eye" satellite, which is an artificially intelligent spy satellite originally built by Batman, not to control the OMACs, but to observe the members of the Justice League. Maxwell Lord has already secretly captured Brother Eye from Batman and turned the satellite toward the end of coordinating the OMACs that Lord now controls.

Lord uses the OMACs and Brother Eye to stalk and attack the world's superheroes and supervillains, with the avowed goal of reasserting humanity's control over the world. The OMAC Project ends with an autonomous, intelligent Brother Eye satellite commanding over 200,000 OMACs and seemingly planning war on the world's superheroes, starting with the worldwide broadcast of Maxwell Lord's death at the hands of Wonder Woman.


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