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Doctor Who - Genesis of the Daleks (Part 1) 009
Continuity: Doctor Who
Type: Military personnel
Gender: Male
Race: Kaled
Base of operations: Skaro
1st appearance: "Genesis of the Daleks"
Actor: Peter Miles

Nyder was a secondary character featured in the BBC television series Doctor Who. Played by actor Peter Miles, he was introduced in the first chapter of the "Genesis of the Daleks" serial. He appeared in all six chapters of the story-arc.


Nyder was the Security Commander of the Kaleds on the planet Skaro. He was in service during the waning days of the Thousand Year War between the Kaleds and their sworn enemies, the Thals. An efficient often ruthless man, he answered only to the Kaleds' supreme scientist Davros. Nyder often clashed with General Ravon, head of the Kaled military, but due to his association with Davros, he actually held greater authority than Ravon. When the Doctor and his associate Harry Sullivan came to Skaro, Nyder had them apprehended and placed in a prison cell. Nyder didn't believe that they were actually alien beings as they had claimed, and was more willing to accept the idea that they were an advanced form of Muto (an offshoot mutated breed of Kaled). [1]

As Davros' faithful watchdog, Nyder had full access to the project responsible for creating the ultimate killing machine - the Daleks. When Davros learned that the Kaled administrative council planned on shutting down his experiments, he appealed to his sworn enemies, the Thals. Nyder accompanied Davros to the Thal headquarters and together, they helped the Thals create a weapon that could destroy the Kaled dome. Nyder and Davros knew that if the Thals were able to strike a critical blow against the Kaleds, then the administrative council would have little choice but to allow Davros to continue with production of the Daleks. [2]

Back within the Kaled bunker, Nyder overheard one of the scientific Elite's top advisors, Gharman conspiring to plot against Davros. Pretending to be a sympathizer, Nyder convinced Gharman that he wanted to join him in rebelling against Davros. The two met in secret and Gharman gave Nyder a list of names of scientists forming a resistance against Davros. Nyder showed his true colors at that point and revealed that he was still completely loyal to Davros. He knocked Gharman over the head, rendering him unconscious, but spared his life as per Davros' orders. [3]

Nyder then succeeded in capturing the Doctor, as well as his companions Sarah Jane Smith and Harry Sullivan.

Notes & Trivia[]

See also[]


The World of Doctor Who

Doctor Who miscellaneous

