Includes a running list of characters who are known only by their last name. |
30 Days of Night[]
Norris was once an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. An elder vampire queen named Lilith turned him into a vampire. Lilith had Agent Norris conduct surveillance on Stella Olemaun during her book tour, in which she publicly revealed the truth about a slaughter that took place in Barrow, Alaska, involving vampires.
Marvel Universe[]
Norris was Dane Whitman's traitorous assistant, who accidentally summoned Magneto and Toad back to Earth from space. He was later locked up in the somber dungeon of Garrett Castle.
The Walking Dead[]
Norris was a Caucasian male who lived in the U.S. state of Virginia during the years following the zombie outbreak. He became a member of a survival group known as the Saviors. Norris was present during the final battle between the Saviors and the combined forces of Alexandria, Hilltop Colony, The Kingdom and Oceanside.