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Aliases: Father Noiret
Notability: Murder victim
Type: Clergy
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Location: Tarascon, France
Associations: Catholic Church
Status: Deceased
Died: September, 1956
First: The Nun II
Actor: Pascal Aubert

Father Noiret is a fictional priest and a minor character featured in The Conjuring film series. Played by actor Pascal Aubert, he appeared in the 2023 feature film The Nun II.


Father Noiret was an elderly man and a Catholic priest who worked out of a church in Tarascon, France in the mid 1950s. In September of 1956, he sent an altar boy named Jacques into the cellar of the church to procure some communal wine. After conducing mass, Father Noiret noticed that the holy water began boiling in its dish. The demon known as Valak appeared before him. He levitated Father Noiret several feet above the ground and then set him on fire.

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