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Aliases: Noc'Sagians
Continuity: DC Universe
Category: Alien
Status: Existing
Homeworld: Noc'sag
Body type: Non-human
Limbs: 5
Eyes: 2
Special adaptations: No core body region
Third leg (not THAT kind!)
Representatives: Cundiff Cood; Galius Zed; Zilius Zox
1st appearance: Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #2

Noc'sagians are a fictional alien race featured in comic books published by DC Comics. They are associated with the Green Lantern line of titles and first appeared in the "Defeat!" story from Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #2 in June, 1981.


Noc'sagians are a tri-pedal sentient race that hails from the planet Noc'sag in Sector 3544. They are characterized by their fair skin, and over-sized heads, which makes up the majority of their entire physicality, as they have no chest or abdominal core. They are usually presented as having three legs and two arms, though some representations may present them with only two legs, but three arms. Due to the heavy gravity of their homeworld, Noc'sagians are extremely dense and heavy.

One Noc'sagian of note is Galius Zed, who became one of the most celebrated members of the Green Lantern Corps. When he died and was resurrected as a Black Lantern, his position in the Corps was succeeded by Cundiff Cood, who became active sometime around the Sinestro Corps War. Zilius Zox was another Noc'sagian who ended up being recruited by the Red Lantern Corps.


Notes & Trivia[]

Related pages[]

See also[]


The World of Green Lantern

Green Lantern miscellaneous

