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Nightwing 1
Title: Nightwing
Publisher: DC Comics
Type: Limited series
Years published: September-December, 1995
Total issues: 4
Featuring: Nightwing (Dick Grayson)
Creators: Denny O'Neil; Greg Land; Mike Sellers; Brian Stelfreeze; Cathi Bertrand; John Costanza; Keri Kowalski; Pat Garrahy

Nightwing is an American comic book limited series of the superhero fantasy genre. It was published by DC Comics and ran for four issues from September to December, 1995. The series featured the character of Dick Grayson, aka Nightwing. It was written by Denny O'Neil with artwork by Greg Land and inks by Mike Sellers. It was colored by Cathi Bertrand and lettered by John Costanza. It was edited by Pat Garrahy with Keri Kowalski as assistant editor.


Annuals & Specials


Notes & Trivia

Recommended Reading

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