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"I believed in Bill, Linda! How could I know he was just using me to cover up his theft -- his incompetence?"
Christine Palmer
"The Secret of Sea-Cliff Manor!"
Night Nurse 4
Night Nurse
Title: "The Secret of Sea-Cliff Manor!"
Volume: 1
Number: 4
Cover price: .20
Cover date: May, 1973
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Chief: Roy Thomas
Writers: Jean Thomas; Linda Fite
Pencilers: Winslow Mortimer
Inkers: Winslow Mortimer
Cover artists: John Romita
Cover inker: Joe Sinnott
Cover letterer: Gaspar Saladino
Colorists: Andrea Hunt
Letterers: Charlotte Jetter
Editors: Roy Thomas
Previous: Night Nurse #3

"The Secret of Sea-Cliff Manor!" is the title to the fourth issue of the short-lived medical drama & romance series Night Nurse, published by Marvel Comics. The story was written by Jean Thomas and Linda Fite with artwork by Winslow Mortimer. The cover art illustration was rendered by John Romita and Joe Sinnott. The story was colored by Andrea Hunt and lettered by Charlotte Jetter. It was edited by Roy Thomas. This issue shipped with a May, 1973 cover date and carries a cover price of .20 cents per copy.


Featured characters

Supporting characters


Minor characters

  • Derek Porter
  • Edna Porter
  • Harold
  • William Sutton




  • Sea-Cliff Manor


Notes & Trivia[]

  • This is the final issue of the series.
  • Behind-the-scenes appearance by Doctor William "Bill" Sutton.
  • Sea-Cliff Manor is also referred to as Seacliff House in this issue.
  • This is the only issue of the series that Georgia Jenkins does not appear in.

Recommended Reading[]

See also[]

External Links[]
