Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Night Medic Center
Night Medic Center
Continuity: Marvel Universe
Aliases: Night Nurse's clinic
Category: Medical center
Continent: North America
Country: United States of America
State: New York
City: New York City
Borough: Manhattan
Locale: Chinatown
Residents: Linda Carter
1st appearance: Daredevil, Vol. 2 #58

The Night Medic Center, informally known as "Night Nurse's clinic", is a fictional medical center featured in comic books published by Marvel Comics. It relates to the character of Linda Carter, aka Night Nurse, and first appeared in Daredevil, Volume 2 #58 in May, 2004.


Hidden in Manhattan's Chinatown on or near Orchard Street, this clinic is run by the Night Nurse specifically to serve the medical needs of the superhero community. The Night Nurse's patients at this clinic have included Daredevil, Araña, Iron Fist,Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, Elektra, Captain America, Luke Cage, Black Tarantula, Nomad, Firestar, and numerous others.

The Night Nurse's Clinic was burned down by Marrakant Hellguard summoned by Doctor Nicodemus West. Despite Doctor Strange's invitation to operate her clinic out of his Sanctum Santorum, the Night Nurse rebuilt and/or reopened her own clinic.



