Includes a list of characters, actors and production crew members whose first names are Neil. |
Variations include Neill and Neal.
Six Million Dollar Man, The[]
Neil was a fictional research assistant and a minor character featured in the 1974 sci-fi/action television series The Six Million Dollar Man. Played by actor Martin Speer, he appeared in the fourth episode from season one titled, "Day of the Robot". Neil was a scientist and a research assistant to Doctor Chester Dolenz. Along with another man named Al, he worked on a project to create a fully functional robot designated Mister X, which they then disguised as a United States Air Force Major named Frederick Sloan.
Slumber Party Massacre[]
Neil was a teenage boy in the early 1980s. He lived in Los Angeles, California and attended school at Stanford High School. He was best friends with another boy named Jeff. In May, 1981, Neil and Jeff learned about a slumber party in Mar Vista hosted by their classmate Trish Devereaux. Decided to crash the party, they grabbed a couple of beers and sneaked about outside the living room window at Trish's house. They enjoyed watching Trish and her friends remove their tops to change out of their night clothes.
(Slumber Party Massacre, The)
- Neil Hamilton - Played Commissioner Gordon on the 1960s Batman series.
Production Crew[]
- Neil Gaiman - Comic book author and novelist.
- Neil Armstrong - Astronaut who first landed on the moon in 1969.