Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Negus System
Continuity: DC Universe
Golden Age
Aliases: Negus system
Category: Stellar System
Points of interest: Krypton; Rao
1st appearance: Superman, Vol. 1 #1

The Negus System is a fictional stellar system featured in comic books published by DC Comics. It is part of DC's Golden Age continuity and is where the planet Krypton is located. Future iterations of the planet Krypton and its location do place it in the Rao system, not the Negus system.

Points of Interest[]

Negus-12 was the name of the primary red star of the Negus system. In the Golden Age continuity, the planet Krypton was the sole planet located in this system. In the Silver and Modern age continuities, Krypton's sun is named Rao. [1]
In Earth-Two continuity, the planet Krypton was located in the Negus star system. Krypton was the birthplace of Superman as well as his parents Jor-L and Lora.
Another planet in the Negus system. Inhabited by a race similar to Kryptonians, but weaker.


Notes & Trivia[]

See also[]


The World of Superman

Superman miscellaneous

External Links[]


  1. Secret Origins Vol 2 1