Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
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See the Nancy Oliver category for additional images, media and known works.

Nancy Oliver
Nancy Oliver
Gender: Female
Medium(s): Television
Roles: Executive producer; Supervising producer; Director; Writer
Born: February 8th, 1955
Birthplace: Farmingham, Massachusetts
Notable works: True Blood
1st Sci-Fi: "Strange Love"

Nancy Oliver is a television producer associated with HBO. She has produced episodes of HBO's popular series True Blood as well as written and directed select episodes. Along with series creator Alan Ball, Nancy also worked as a producer on Ball's previous HBO project Six Feet Under.

As a writer[]

True Blood[]

  1. True Blood: To Love Is to Bury
  2. True Blood: Never Let Me Go
  3. True Blood: I Will Rise Up
  4. True Blood: Trouble
  5. True Blood: Fresh Blood
  6. True Blood: I'm Alive and On Fire
  7. True Blood: Burning Down the House

As a director[]

True Blood[]

  1. True Blood: To Love Is to Bury

Notes & Trivia[]

External Links[]


True Blood logo
True Blood Actor or Crew member
This article relates to actors or production crew members pertaining to the True Blood television series. This template will categorize articles that include it into the True Blood/Crew members category.