Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Star Wars - Tales of the Empire 1x01 007
Continuity: Star Wars
Notability: Supporting character
Type: Witch
Gender: Female
Race: Dathomirian
Location: Dathomir
Associations: Nightsisters
Mountain Clan
Relatives: Mountain Clan matron
Status: Deceased
Born: Unknown
Died: 20 BBY
First: "The Path of Fear"
Final: "The Path of Fear"
Actor: Daisy Lightfoot

Selena is a fictional witch and a supporting character featured in the Star Wars multimedia franchise. She appeared in the first episode of Star Wars: Tales of the Empire animated miniseries titled "The Path of Fear" and was voiced by actress Daisy Lightfoot.


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Notes & Trivia[]

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See also[]

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External Links[]

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