The N'Garai is a type of interdimensional demon featured in comic books published by Marvel Comics. They are associated with the X-Men line of comic book titles and first appeared in The X-Men #96 in December, 1975.
The N'Garai hailed from some unidentified alien dimension. Untold ages ago however, they journeyed to the Earth realm where it was believed they held dominance over mankind. The leader of the N'Garai was a demonic figure known as Kierrok. A large cairn was constructed, which bridged the gap between their own dimension and this one.
Years ago, the X-Man known as Cyclops was venting his frustration over the recent death of a teammate, and unleashed his optic beams across the Xavier estate. This awakened Kierrok and his minions, who then did battle with them. Everyone took their shots at Kierrok, but it was Wolverine, in the throes of a berserker rage, that dealt the final blow. Teammate Storm unleashed her weather control powers upon the cairn, destroying it, thus sending the remaining N'Garai back to their home dimension.
- Doctor Strange Vol 2 44 (In flashback only)
- Uncanny X-Men 96