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Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Gotham 4x03 013
Myrtle Jenkins
Aliases: Riddlette
Series: Gotham
Notability: Minor character
Type: Sidekick
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Location: Gotham City
Status: Deceased
Died: 2017
First: "They Who Hide Behind Masks"
Actor: Ilana Becker

Myrtle Jenkins is a fictional wannabe sidekick and a minor character featured on the FOX Network television series Gotham. Played by actress Ilana Becker, she appeared in the third episode of season four titled, "They Who Hide Behind Masks".


Myrtle Jenkins went to elementary school with Edward Nygma. As an adult, she became aware of Nygma's evolution into a gimmick-based criminal calling himself the Riddler. Jenkins became an obsessed fan of the Riddler, and collected every newspaper article and memorabilia she could find relating to him. When she discovered that Nygma had been frozen and put on display at Oswald Cobblepot's Iceberg Lounge, she began putting together a plan to extradite him.

Five months later, Myrtle was able to execute her plan. She found a window of time in which she could sneak into the lounge, and thaw out the block of ice surrounding Nygma's form. She then brought him back to her house where she revived him. She declared herself his biggest fan, and even positioned herself to become his sidekick, the Riddlette. She assisted Nygma with physical therapy as his muscles had atrophied due to dis-use.

Myrtle then learned that Nygma's mental fortitude had been adversely affected due to being frozen. She tried stimulating his brain with random riddles from a children's book, but Ed couldn't even figure out the simple ones. Frustrated by what he believed was Myrtle's shortcomings, he bashed her across the side of the head and made his escape.

Later, the Penguin and his enforcer Victor Zsasz caught up with Myrtle. Cobblepot was enraged that she had broke into his club and extradited Nygma. After admonishing her for her actions, he left the room with orders for Zsasz to take care of her. Victor shot her in the chest, killing her. [1]

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