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Murkhana Bay
Category: Lake
Planet: Murkhana
1st appearance: Star Wars Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader

Murkhana Bay is a fictional location in the Star Wars franchise. It is part of the greater Expanded Universe material and was first seen in the Star Wars Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader novel written by James Luceno and published in hardcover and paperback editions in 2005 and 2006 (respectively).


Murkhana Bay was a crescent-shaped body of water located just outside of Murkhana City, the capital of the planet Murkhana. It was known for it's scarlet-hued waters. Murkhana Bay played a vital role in the Battle of Murkhana during the final days of the Clone Wars. Galactic Republic forces deployed several Low Altitude Assault Transport ships led by Jedi General Roan Shryne and the 32nd Air Combat Wing of the Grand Army of the Republic in a beach assault against Separatist forces on Murkhana. The Republic suffered minimal losses during the onset of the battle, but did lose at least a few Republic gunships to Hailfire weaponry.

Murkhana Bay was strategically vital since it was where the capital city's primary docking platform was located. Four ten-kilometer long bridges stretched out from Murkhana City to a massive offshore landing platforms supported by thick pylons anchored in the seabed. In order to provide passage for the remainder of the Republic forces, the ground teams needed to take out the shield generators protecting the platform. Members of the clone unit Ion Team succeeded in securing a human captive who provided the Republic with important information on how to bypass the shield generators and take control of the platform. [1]

Notes & Trivia[]

See also[]


The World of Star Wars

Star Wars miscellaneous

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