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Munificent-class star frigate
Munificent-class star frigate
Continuity: Star Wars
Model: Cruiser
Class: Munificent-class
Manufacturer: Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc.
Gwori Revolutionary Industries
Crew: 200
Passengers: 150,000 battle droids
Length: 825 meters.
Width: 426 meters.
Complement: Several starfighters
1st appearance: Star Wars: Obsession #1

The Munificent-class star frigate is a fictional space vessel featured in the Star Wars multimedia franchise. It first appeared in the 2004-2005 comic book series Star Wars: Obsession by Dark Horse Comics. It also appeared in the 2005 video game Star Wars: Battlefront II and has also made appearances in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars computer generated animated series.


In 22 BBY, the Intergalactic Banking Clan sent two Munificent-class star frigates to blockade a Galactic Republic convoy en route to the moon of Rugosa. They attacked a Consular-class cruiser carrying Jedi master Yoda, forcing the ship to retreat from the area. As the cruiser exchanged fire with the two ships, Master Yoda and three clone troopers got inside of a lifepod. Yoda ordered all of the lifepods to launch simultaneously to mask their escape, even though many of them were empty. [1]

Notes & Trivia[]

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The World of Star Wars

Star Wars miscellaneous

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