The Mummy's Tomb is an American feature film of the horror genre. It is the third installment in the Mummy film series produced by Universal Pictures, which is part of its greater Universal Monsters line. It is the second film to feature the eponymous antagonist Kharis, the Mummy. The movie was directed by Harold Young with a screenplay written by Griffin Jay and Henry Sucher based on an original story by Neil P. Varnick. It was released theatrically in the United States on October 23rd, 1942. The movie sees the return of three cast members from the previous film The Mummy's Hand including Lon Chaney, Jr. as Kharis, Dick Foran as Stephen Banning, and Wallace Ford as Babe Hanson. Other cast members include John Hubbard as John Banning, Elyse Knox as the female lead, Isobel Evans, George Zucco as Andoheb, and Turhan Bey as Mehemet Bey.