Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Mountain Clan matron
Continuity: Star Wars
Notability: Minor character
Type: Witch
Gender: Female
Race: Dathomirian
Location: Dathomir
Associations: Nightsisters
Mountain Clan
Relatives: Nali
Status: Unknown
First: "The Path of Fear"
Final: "The Path of Fear"
Actor: Lydia Look

The Mountain Clan matron is a fictional witch and a minor character featured in the Star Wars multimedia franchise. She appeared in the first episode of Star Wars: Tales of the Empire animated miniseries titled "The Path of Fear" and was voiced by actress Lydia Look.


This unknown individual was a member of the Nightsisters of Dathomir and was part of the Mountain Clan. She lived in a cave with the other clan members and was well practiced in Dathomirian magic.

In 20 BBY, the Confederacy of Independent Systems sent General Grievous and his battle droid squadrons to Dathomir to eliminate the Nightsisters. The clan matron and her warrior daughter Nali rescued the recently orphaned Morgan Elsbeth and offered her the protection of the clan.

When General Grievous' droid forces advanced on the Mountain Clan caves, the matron harnessed all of her power to generate a ball of light that exploded outward, decimating the forces. It also caused one of the droid gunships to drop out of the sky and crash. Morgan Elsbeth helped the matron recover from the exhaustive use of her power, and the matron told her that her desire to not fight did not mean that she was incapable of fighting. Using a bit of clairvoyance, the matron knew that Morgan's rage would take her down a dark path.

Notes & Trivia[]

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See also[]

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External Links[]

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