Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
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See also Moon Knight for a complete list of references to clarify differences between these closely named or closely related articles.

Moon Knight
Moon Knight Vol 3 1
Title: Moon Knight
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Type: Limited series
Years published: January-April, 1998
Total issues: 4
Featuring: Moon Knight (Marc Spector)
Previous: Moon Knight, Vol. 2
Marc Spector: Moon Knight
Next: Moon Knight, Vol. 4

Moon Knight, Volume 3 is an American comic book limited series published by Marvel Comics. It is the fifth title to feature the character of Marc Spector, aka Moon Knight and is the second title to feature the character in limited series format after Moon Knight Special Edition in 1983. It is the fourth series to feature original stories following Marc Spector: Moon Knight. The series was written by character creator Doug Moench and illustrated by the team of Tommy Lee Edwards on pencils, and Robert Campanella on inks. The series was colored by Melissa Edwards and lettered by Ken Lopez. It was edited by Mike Bernardo. The series spanned a total four issues and was published from January to April of 1998.

Creative team


  • Moon Knight Vol 3 1
  • Moon Knight Vol 3 2
  • Moon Knight Vol 3 3
  • Moon Knight Vol 3 4

Annuals & Specials

  • None


  • None

Featured characters

Notes & Trivia

Recommended Reading

See also

External Links
