Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
This page is similar in name or subject to other pages.

See also Union Jack for a complete list of references to clarify differences between these closely named or closely related articles.

Montgomery Falsworth
Union Jack
Aliases: Union Jack
James Montgomery Falsworth
Continuity: Marvel Universe
Notability: Supporting character
Type: Superhero
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Location: Falsworth Manor, London, England
Associations: Freedom's Five
Relatives: Jacqueline Falsworth
Brian Falsworth
John Falsworth
Kenneth Crichton
Status: Deceased
Born: Late 1800s
First: Invaders #7
Final: Captain America #254
Actor: JJ Feild

Montgomery Falsworth is a fictional superhero and a supporting character featured in comic books published by Marvel Comics. He first appeared in The Invaders, Volume 1 #7 in July, 1976.


Notes & Trivia[]

See also[]

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