Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"My destiny was to be a warrior. A leader. A God. But wanted to be myself. So, I do what I do best -- I escaped."
Scott Free
"...No Iron Bars a Jail"
Mister Miracle Vol 3 2
Mister Miracle
Title: "...No Iron Bars a Jail"
Volume: 3
Number: 2
Cover price: $1.95
Cover date: May, 1996
Publisher: DC Comics
Writers: Kevin Dooley
Pencilers: Steve Crespo
Inkers: Marcio Morais
Cover artists: Steve Crespo
Cover inker: Marcio Morais
Colorists: Linda Medley
Letterers: Clem Robins
Assistants: Chris Eades
Editors: Rob Simpson
Previous: Mister Miracle #1
Next: Mister Miracle #3

"...No Iron Bars a Jail" is the title to the second issue of the third Mister Miracle comic book series published by DC Comics. The story was written by Kevin Dooley with artwork by Steve Crespo and inks by Marcio Morais. Crespo and Morais also rendered the cover art illustration to this issue. The story was colored by Linda Medley with lettering by Clem Robins. It was edited by Rob Simpson with Chris Eades as assistant editor. This issue shipped with a May, 1996 cover date and carries a cover price of $1.95 per copy (US).


Featured characters

Supporting characters


Minor characters






Notes & Trivia[]

  • This is the first appearance of Hadis, which is the Fourth World equivalent to the Afterlife, or Valhalla, or even Hell depending upon one's point of view.
  • This is the first appearance of Enkar, who is the guardian of the gates of Hadis.
  • Avia appears as a ghost only in this issue. She is the late wife of Highfather Izaya. She was murdered by Steppenwolf while attempting to save her husband back in New Gods, Volume 1 #7.

Recommended Reading[]

See also[]

External Links[]
