Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Vital statistics
Name Milwaukee
Aliases None
Category City
Galaxy Milky Way
Stellar System Sol system
Planet Earth
Country United States
State/Province Wisconsin
City N/A
Locale N/A
Points of interest Dinal Stritch Junior College
Great Lakes Hospital
First Appearance

Milwaukee is the largest city in Wisconsin and 23rd most populous in the United States. It is the county seat of Milwaukee County and is located on the southwestern shore of Lake Michigan. Milwaukee is the main cultural and economic center of the Milwaukee–Racine–Waukesha Metropolitan Area.

Points of Interest[]

Dinal Stritch Junior College
Dinal Stritch Junior College was a local school in Milwaukee. Jennie-Lynn Hayden attended classes here along with her friend, Bev. Todd Rice considered taking classes here, but didn't have the money.
Great Lakes Hospital
Great Lakes Hospital was a general hospital located in Milwaukee. Todd Rice and Jennie-Lynn Hayden were both born here. When Todd was seventeen-years-old, he tried to find his birth records from the hospital, as well as that of his sister. Todd's friend, C.J., was injured while working at an auto-garage, and Todd used his newfound shadow manipulation abilities to dig him out of the wreckage and bring him to the hospital.
Franklin was an upper-class suburb of Milwaukee. This was where Julian Hayden lived with his wife, Myrna. The Hayden's adopted a daughter named Jennie-Lynn, whose birth parents were Alan Scott and Rose Canton. She later found out that she had a twin brother named Todd Rice. Todd came to Franklin after discovering that he had a sister. He shared Thanksgiving dinner with the Haydens and also visited Franklin during Christmas. [1]

Films that take place in Milwaukee[]

TV shows that take place in Milwaukee[]

Characters from Milwaukee[]

People who were born in Milwaukee[]

People who died in Milwaukee[]

External Links[]


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