Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Includes a list of characters, actors and production crew members whose first names are Mikey.

See also: Michael

Marvel Universe[]


Mikey was the name of a man who worked as a uniformed police officer for the New York City Police Department. Along with his partner Stu, he became the puppet of a mysterious mind-controlling entity. The possessed Mikey and Stu met with some other mind-controlled individuals and encountered a member of their group whom they feared would not accept them. The officers and their criminal cohorts pulled out their weapons and shot the man to death. (Wolverine Vol 5 2)

The Walking Dead[]

Mikey was a human survivor of the zombie apocalypse and lived in the Alexandria Safe-Zone in Alexandria, Virginia. He was the son of Nicholas and Paula. When a new group of survivors moved into the community, Mikey encountered Carl Grimes - a boy who was only a little older than he. Mikey was both fascinated and a bit jealous that Carl's father, Rick Grimes, allowed him to carry a gun on his person. Mikey was present when a herd of walkers broke through the town's barricade, killing several residents. He was also present at the funeral of Abraham Ford, and attended a town meeting wherein Rick Grimes announced his intention to go to war with the Saviors. Over the course of the following two years, Mikey actually became close friends with Carl.

The Walking Dead comic series

  1. Walking Dead 70
  2. Walking Dead 71
  3. Walking Dead 72
  4. Walking Dead 80
  5. Walking Dead 97
  6. Walking Dead 99
  7. Walking Dead 114
  8. Walking Dead 115
  9. Walking Dead 125
  10. Walking Dead 128
  11. Walking Dead 146
  12. Walking Dead 151

The Walking Dead TV series

  1. Walking Dead: Remember
  2. Walking Dead: Forget