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Continuity: Hammer Horror
Category: City
Continent: Africa
Country: Egypt
Residents: Barrani; Haiti Ali; Hasmid Ali
Points of interest: Mezzara Hotel; Alley of the House of Mukhtar; Landing stage; Restoration House
Notable apperances: Hammer Horror
1st appearance: The Mummy's Shroud

Mezzara is a fictional location featured in the Hammer Horror film series. It appeared in the 1967 feature film The Mummy's Shroud.


Mezzara is a major city located in the country of Egypt. Its exact location is unknown, but it is some distance away from the Rock of Death mountain region. In 1920, a British industrialist named Stanley Preston hired archaeologist Sir Basil Walden and his team to excavate the Rock of Death area in search of the Tomb of Kah-to-Bey. Preston used Mezzara as the expedition's home base, and hired a personal assistant named Longbarrow to secure lodging at the Mezzara Hotel. Sir Basil maintained a Restoration House in Mezzara, which is where he kept the curios and findings from his various digs, before shipping them off to England. One of these artifacts included the mummy of Prem - a slave who had been discovered bearing the seal of the Pharaoh.

Points of Interest[]

Alley of the House of Mukhtar
The Alley of the House of Mukhtar was a side street located in Mezzara. The elderly fortune teller Haiti Ali maintained hers shop at building No. 8. Haiti beckoned the ill Sir Basil Walden into her parlor where she read her crystal ball, which indicated his pending death. Moments later, he was killed by the mummy Prem. Haiti later left a clairvoyant named Claire de Sangre a business card. Claire came to the shop and Haiti devilishly foretold of her pending death as well.
Landing stage
This was a boat dock that faced a river in Mezzara. A British passenger ship brought Stanley Preston, his wife, and members of the expedition to the port city. Later, when people started turning up dead, Stanley Preston became desperate to leave. Inspector Barrani forbad him from leaving Mezzara until he had sorted out the mystery behind the recent murders. Preston - a man who refused to be told what to do, conspired with his servant Longbarrow to purchase a ticket for him at the landing stage. When Longbarrow failed in this task, Stanley sneaked away and tried to make his way to the landing stage on foot. He encountered Hasmid Ali, who offered to provide him a gharry by which to reach the destination more quickly. However, Hasmid sought only Preston's death, and sent the mummy Prem to murder him. Preston never made it to the landing stage.
Mezzara Hotel
The Mezzara Hotel was a high-end hostel located in the center of the city of Mezzara. A British agent named Longbarrow secured lodging at the hotel for financier Stanley Preston and his wife Barbara. Despite being provided with an executive suite, Longbarrow was embarrassed to admit that the washroom did not include a "convenience".
Restoration House
The Restoration House was located in the city of Mezzara and was operated by archeologist Sir Basil Walden. This was where he kept various curious, artifacts and findings from his various archeological digs, including the mummified remains of a 2,000-year-old slave named Prem. The dig's financier, Stanley Preston, held a press conference at the Restoration House, citing that it was hotly debated amongst scholars that the mummy who bore the royal seal of the Pharaoh was not the true Pharaoh. Sir Basil's team recovered the Tomb of Kah-to-Bey, who was the true Prince of Egypt. Along with his Sacred Shroud, his remains were brought to the Restoration House. Late at night, a man named Hasmid Ali broke into the Restoration House and used the Sacred Shroud as part of a ritual to awaken the mummy Prem. Prem killed Sir Basil Walden, and his body was discovered suspended in a closet by a sweeper later that evening.




See also[]
