Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Mjolnir - MCU

"Mew Mew" is a fictional nickname featured in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It was first used in the 2011 feature film Thor and was briefly revisited in the film's 2013 sequel, Thor: The Dark World. Mew Mew is the way that Darcy Lewis pronounced the name Mjolnir - the mystic hammer of Thor (the J is silent). When Thor first made reference to finding Mjolnir, Darcy said, "Mew Mew? What's "Mew Mew". Later, Erik Selvig found a library book on ancient Norse mythology and Darcy pointed out a graphic of of the hammer, again calling it "Mew Mew". During the Convergence, Mjolnir was flying throughout space and time trying to reunite with Thor. When it flew over Darcy's head in London, she exclaimed "Mew Mew!"
