Men Into Space is an American episodic television series that aired on CBS between September, 1959 and September of 1960 spanning a single season and a total of thirty-eight episodes. The series was created by Lewis J. Rachmil and produced by ZIV Television Programs. Men Into Space had only a single regular cast member, William Lundigan, who played the role of Colonel Edward McCauley, an astronaut from the near future who was involved with many important space exploration missions for NASA, many of which involved journeys to the moon. Recurring cast members on the series included Joyce Taylor, who played Edward's wife, Mary McCauley, Charles Herbert, who played Peter McCauley, Tyler McVey, who played Major General Norgath, Russ Conway, who played General Devon and Ron Foster who played Lieutenant Neil Templeton.
Actress Angie Dickinson played the role of Mary McCauley in the pilot episode, "Moon Probe", but Joyce Taylor played the character in all subsequent appearances. Dickinson would go on to take a leading role in the 1974-1978 television drama, Police Woman.