Megas XLR is an American science fiction animated television series. It was produced by Cartoon Network and aired on the station's "Toonami" brand. The series was created by George Krstic and Jody Schaeffer and aired for two seasons from May, 2004 to April, 2005. Notable voice talents on the series include David DeLuise as Coop, Wendee Lee as Kiva, Steven Jay Blum as Jamie, Scot Rienecker as Goat, Kevin Michael Richardson as the Glorft Commander, Clancy Brown as Gorrath and Jennifer Hale as the Duchess.
1x1 |
Test Drive |
May 1st, 2004
1x2 |
Battle Royale |
May 8th, 2004
1x3 |
All I Wanted Was a Slushie |
May 15th, 2004
1x4 |
The Fat & the Furious |
May 22nd, 2004
1x5 |
Buggin the System |
May 29th, 2004
1x6 |
TV Dinner |
August 21st, 2004
1x7 |
Breakout |
June 5th, 2004
1x8 |
Dude, Where's My Head |
July 31st, 2004
1x9 |
Bad Guy |
May 22nd, 2004
1x10 |
Junk in the Trunk |
August 14th, 2004
1x11 |
DMV: Dept. of Megas Violations |
August 7th, 2004
1x12 |
Coop D'Etat |
April 26th, 2004
1x13 |
The Driver's Seat |
August 28th, 2004
2x1 |
Ultra Chicks |
October 16th, 2004
2x2 |
The Return |
October 23rd, 2004
2x3 |
Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Coop |
October 30th, 2004
2x4 |
Viva Las Megas |
November 6th, 2004
2x5 |
Thanksgiving Throwdown |
November 27th, 2004
2x6 |
S-Force S.O.S. |
November 13th, 2004
2x7 |
Space Booty |
November 20th, 2004
2x8 |
Terminate Her |
December 4th, 2004
2x9 |
Ice Ice Megas |
December 11th, 2004
2x10 |
A Clockwork Megas |
December 18th, 2004
2x11 |
Universal Remote |
January 1st, 2005
2x12 |
Rearview Mirror, Mirror (Part 1) |
January 8th, 2005
2x13 |
Rearview Mirror, Mirror (Part 2) |
January 15th, 2005
Notes & Trivia[]
See also[]
External Links[]