Meat truck is a generic name for any vehicle classified as a truck that is designated for the transport of meat products. On June 13th, 1974, members of the Hewitt family were driving down Route 17 in Travis County in an eighteen wheeler bearing the logo of the Blair Meat Company. Members of the Travis County Sheriff's Department noted a broken taillight and attempted to pull them over. The driver evaded the police, which resulted in a high-speed pursuit. The driver laughed gleefully as the truck plowed through a vulture feasting on some roadkill. As the police car caught up with them, the driver flung a bucket of guts out the window, which bounced off the police cruiser's windshield, causing on of the officers to vomit. The cops opened fire, and hit a tire, which caused the truck to overturn. The driver survived and crawled out of the cab. When the other officers on the scene opened the trailer, they found human remains suspended from meat hooks. One of the meat hooks swung forward, spearing one of the officers through the face. The others emptied their guns into the cab of the vehicle. They suddenly heard the sound of a chainsaw, and when they looked above, they saw Leatherface standing on top of the cab. (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1)