Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
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See also Swamp Thing for a complete list of references to clarify differences between these closely named or closely related articles.

Matthew Cable
Matthew the Raven
Aliases: Matthew Joseph John Cable; Matthew the Raven; Matt Cable
Continuity: DC Comics
Notability: Recurring character
Type: Federal agent
Gender: Male
Race: Human/Bird
Relatives: Abigail Arcane (ex-wife)
Status: Formerly deceased
First: Swamp Thing, Vol. 1 #1



Notes & Trivia[]

See also[]


As Matthew the Raven

External Links[]

Demonic Toys[]

Matt Cable 003
Matthew Cable
Series: Demonic Toys film series
Notability: Supporting character
Type: Law enforcement
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Relatives: Fair-haired boy [1]
Judith Gray [2]
Status: Deceased
Died: 1991 [3]
First: Demonic Toys
Actor: Jeff Weston

Matt Cable is a fictional law-enforcement officer and a supporting character in the Demonic Toys film series. Played by actor Jeff Weston, he appeared in the first installment of the franchise, Demonic Toys.


Matt Cable was an undercover vice squad detective. He was romantically linked to his partner, Judith Gray and was the father of Judith's unborn son. Matt was killed in the line of duty during a weapons bust that turned sideways when a dealer named Lincoln shot him in the chest.


Matt and Judith were on a stakeout near the Arcadia Toys warehouse. While waiting for their contacts to meet up with them, they discussed their personal lives. Judith brought up the subject of marriage, but Matt felt it seemed more fitting to wait until they had children. Judith told him that she had just found out that she was pregnant. Matt was elated.

Before they could discuss the subject further, their contacts arrived: Lincoln and Hesse. They began negotiating a deal for the purchase of weapons out of the back of Lincoln's car. When Lincoln named his price, Matt pulled his gun on him, revealing that he was a cop. The criminals tried to disarm him, and Matt shot Hesse in the leg. Lincoln returned fire, shooting Matt in the chest, killing him.

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Matt Cable is the first character to appear in Demonic Toys. As such, he is also the first male character to appear in the film. Cable is also the first character killed in the movie. He is one of two characters who are killed by a gunshot from another human being.
  • It is unclear where Matt Cable lived. He may have hailed from California.
  • Matt Cable drove a Cadillac.
  • Was a smoker.
  • Matt Cable's bloodied visage is one of several images assumed by The Kid to psychologically torture Judith Gray.


See also[]

External Links[]


  1. Unborn son with Judith Gray.
  2. Mother of son.
  3. The events of this film take place one year prior to its release. This is established by The Kid as it has been 66-years since the 1925 incident.