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Massassi Temple
Massassi Temple
Continuity: Star Wars
Aliases: Great Massassi Temple
Category: Structure
Galaxy: Star Wars Galaxy
System: Yavin System
Moons: Yavin IV
1st appearance: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

The Massassi Temple is a fictional structure featured in the Star Wars multimedia franchise. It first appeared as an unidentified location in the original 1977 feature film Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. It also played a large role in the 2016 movie Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.



The temple was an ancient structure located on Yavin IV - the fourth moon of the Yavin System. During the Galactic Civil War, the Great Temple was used as the central base of operations for the Alliance to Restore the Republic. It was run by Alliance High Command, which included Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, and Jan Dodonna. Rebel spy Cassian Andor brought Jyn Erso to the temple where she was questioned by Alliance High Command as to her accessibility to fringe freedom fighter Saw Gerrera. It was here that Cassian Andor was given orders to undertake a secret mission to assassinate Jyne Erso's father, Galen Erso.

When the Rebel Alliance succeeded in stealing plans to the First Galactic Empire's Death Star battle station, the Imperial tracked the rebels back to Yavin IV.

Jan Dodonna, now armed with schematics that revealed a point of vulnerability in the Empire's mobile battle station, outlined a strategy involving the deployment of an X-wing fighter squadron to destroy the station. The mission proved successful, after which, the surviving fighters gathered in a massive audience chamber for a victory celebration that was officiated by Leia Organa.


See also[]


The World of Star Wars

Star Wars miscellaneous

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