Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Mary McGowan
Aliases: Mary Schott
Continuity: DC Television Universe
Series: Supergirl
Notability: Minor character
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Relatives: Winslow Schott, Sr.
Winn Schott
Status: Alive
First: "Schott Through the Heart"
Actor: Laurie Metcalf

Mary McGowan is a fictional character featured on the CW Network television series Supergirl. She was played by actress Laurie Metcalf and appeared in the season three episode, "Schott Through the Heart".


Mary McGowan was once the wife of a toymaker named Winslow Schott, and bore his son, Winn. Theirs was an ugly and abusive relationship and one night, Mary tried to escape with nine-year-old Winn to an abuse shelter. Winslow ran their car off the road, after which, they got into a heated argument. He told Mary that if she ever tried to make contact with their son, he would kill him. For her son's sake, Mary felt that she had no recourse but to obey Winslow's demands, and she didn't see her son again for another twenty years.

After Winslow, Sr. died in prison, Mary resurfaced and attended his funeral. Her reunion with her son was a tense situation, as he rejected her for abandoning him, not understanding the truth behind her history with his father.

While he was in prison, Winslow took up an apprentice named Jacqueline, who agreed to carry out Winslow's orders even after his death. This included efforts to kidnap Mary and kill Winn. Fortunately, Winn's friends in the D.E.O., which included Supergirl, enabled them to defeat Jacqueline and rescue Mary.

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