Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
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This page contains a list of characters, locations, items, and organizations featured in the Marvel Universe. Character entries are listed by first name, last.

Old Power[]

The Old Power is similar to that of the Power Cosmic. The Shadow People of the planet Sakaar were capable of wielding it, and they believed that the prophecied being known as the Sakaarson would be able to channel it, giving him mastery over earth and stone. Skaar, the son of the Hulk and Caiera the Oldstrong could wield this power.


Ominivac was the orbital space station utilized by the Leader. He employed it during many of his early campaigns against Gamma Base in his efforts to defeat the Hulk.


Overspace is an other-dimensional reality that serves as a convergence between the various pocket dimensions that are called home to various abstract entities including Eternity, the Living Tribunal, Death and the In-Betweener. When things affect the cosmos in reality-altering ways, the Living Tribunal will hold conference in the Overspace, wherein he can assign judgment over those responsible for various causal effects.
