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The Marvel Universe

The Marvel Universe, affectionately referred to as the "Merry Marvel Universe", is the internal reality of the shared continuity featured in many comic book titles published by Marvel Comics. Specifically, it refers to Marvels' superhero continuity and includes many of their more infamous properties such as Spider-Man, the Hulk, the Fantastic Four and the X-Men. Although the term is often used as an umbrella phrase for all superhero comics published by Marvel, this database is refining the definition to include only those articles that pertain to the mainstream Marvel Universe, which is also known as the Earth-616 reality.

Not all comic book titles published by Marvel Comics take place within the Marvel Universe. Many titles such as Biker Mice from Mars take place within their own insular continuity and are not connected to any other title. Some comics may also be licensed properties such as Alf and Star Wars, which also take place within their own separate continuity.

Marvel Comics also feature dozens of divergent realities that splinter off from the mainstream Earth-616 reality. Each of those will be described on their own individual pages listed below.

Licensed crossovers

Marvel Universe

Some Marvel Universe characters have crossed over into the realities of various licensed properties. For example, ROM the Spaceknight, originally a Parker Bros. toy has boasted his own comic book series that is part of regular Earth-616 continuity. Marvel can no longer use the ROM name, but his supporting cast and alien adversaries, the Dire Wraiths, still make appearances in the Marvel Universe.

The character of Spider-Man has also appeared in issues of the first Transformers ongoing series, which in turn crossed over with G.I. Joe. This was a one-time thing and it has never been referred to again.

During the 1970s Marvel licensed the Godzilla character for it's Godzilla, King of the Monsters series. The licence has long since-expired and Marvel can no longer make a direct reference to the character, but the series is still considered part of the Earth-616 canon and oblique references to Godzilla can be found on occasion.

The World of Marvel

Popular comics that take place in the Marvel Universe

Famous heroes found in the Marvel Universe

Famous villains found in the Marvel Universe

Famous teams found in the Marvel Universe

See also

Comics Wikis

Characters & Series: 100 Bullets2000ADAdventure TimeAldebaran WorldsAquamanArkhamAstérixAtomic RoboBatmanBeanoBatman: The Animated SeriesBig NateBladeThe BoondocksBumilangit UniverseCalvin and HobbesCasper the Friendly GhostCats CafeCrayon ShinchanCass CainThe DarknessDC Superhero GirlsDeadpoolDick TracyDirty PairDisney DucksEmpoweredFablesThe FlashFlash GordonGarfieldGreen ArrowGreen LanternHack/SlashHellblazerHellboyHulkIron ManJonah HexJudge DreddJustice LeagueLeague of Extraordinary GentlemanLittle LuluThe Little Lulu ShowMen in BlackMuttsMy Little PonyOutcastPeanutsThe PhantomPopeyeProject SuperpowersRunawaysThe ShadowShazamShe-HulkSin CityThe SmurfsSonic the HedgehogSpawnSpider-ManStephanie BrownSupermanTeen TitansTeenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesThorThe TickTintinThe Walking DeadWatchmenThe Wicked + The DivineWitchbladeWonder WomanX-MenYoung JusticeZatannaValerian and LaurelineBlack HammerUmbrella AcademyThe BoysThe Mask
Publishers: ArchieAspen MLTBongoCrossGenDark HorseDCDisney ComicsDynamiteECHarveyImageMalibuMarvelValiantVertigoZenescope
Everything Else: Comic SeriesGolden Age ComicsHey Kids, Comics!Irish ComicsPublic Domain Super HeroesUK ComicsWomen in Comics
