Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
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See also Marvel Boy for a complete list of references to clarify differences between these closely named or closely related articles.

Marvel Boy
Marvel Boy 1
Title: Marvel Boy
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Imprint: Atlas Comics
Type: Ongoing series
Years published: 1950-1951
Total issues: 2
Featuring: Marvel Boy (Robert Grayson)
Creators: Russ Heath; Bill Everett; Bill La Cava; Stan Lee
Next: Astonishing

Marvel Boy is a short-lived ongoing American comic book series of the superhero fantasy genre. It was published by Atlas Comics, which is a precursor to the modern Marvel Comics publishing house. Only two issues of the series were produced between December 1950, and February, 1951. After issue #2, the series changed its title and formatting to Astonishing. The series featured the character of Robert Grayson as the young superhuman power house known as Marvel Boy.


Annuals & Specials


Notes & Trivia

Recommended Reading

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