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Marie Adams
Marie Adams
Continuity: The Howling
Notability: Main character
Type: Writer
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Location: Drago, California
Relatives: Richard Adams [1]
Status: Alive
Born: 1963 [2]
First: The Howling IV
Actor: Romy Windsor

Marie Adams was the main character featured in the 1988 direct-to-video feature The Howling IV: The Original Nightmare. She was played by actress Romy Windsor. The character also appeared in the 1995 sequel The Howling: New Moon Rising.


Marie Adams was a novelist who suffered from intense hallucinations. She believed that she saw the ghostly image of a young nun named Sister Ruth, who would follow her around attempting to communicate with her. Her husband Richard recommended taking some time away from the city and he brought her to the Wilderness Cottage in the town of Drago.

Drago provided little comfort to Marie as she was terrorized by the sounds of wild animals howling in the woods late at night. She even believed that one of these animals was responsible for the death of her dog, Pierre.

Marie befriended a woman named Janice Hatch who had known Sister Ruth when she was still alive. Together, the two women began investigating the town, hoping to find an answer to the mystery of Marie's visions. They ultimately discovered that the entire community was in fact a cult of Satanic werewolves. Marie and Janice trapped all of the town's werewolves inside the Bell Tower of Drago and Marie set it on fire. At least one werewolf survived and sprang from the flames to attack her. [3]

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  1. Husband; deceased.
  2. Date approximated based upon the age of actress Romy Windsor.
  3. Howling IV: The Original Nightmare; November, 1988; Directed by John Hough.