Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"Then get after him, Lois! Stay with him no matter what happens! Get me that story!!!"
Perry White
"The Story of the Century!"
Man of Steel 2
Man of Steel
Title: "The Story of the Century!"
Volume: 1
Number: 2
Cover price: 75¢
Cover date: October, 1986
Publisher: DC Comics
Ex. Ed: Dick Giordano
Writers: John Byrne
Pencilers: John Byrne
Inkers: Dick Giordano
Cover artists: John Byrne
Cover inker: Dick Giordano
Colorists: Tom Ziuko
Letterers: John Costanza
Editors: Andrew Helfer
Previous: Man of Steel #1
Next: Man of Steel #3

"The Story of the Century!" is the title to the second issue of the Man of Steel comic book limited series published by DC Comics. This series serves as a jumping-on point for readers to learn about the revised origin of Superman in the Post-Crisis publishing continuity. The story was written and illustrated by John Byrne with inks by Dick Giordano. It was colored by Tom Ziuko with lettering by John Costanza. The story was edited by Andrew Helfer. This issue shipped with an October, 1986 cover date and carries a cover price of .75 cents per copy (US).

"The Story of the Century!"[]

Featured characters

Supporting characters


Minor characters







Notes & Trivia[]

  • This story is reprinted in the The Man of Steel trade paperback collection. It is also reprinted in the Lois Lane: A Celebration of 75 Years hardcover collection.
  • This is the first Post-Crisis appearance of Lois Lane.
  • This is the first Post-Crisis appearance of Jimmy Olsen.
  • This is the first Post-Crisis appearance of Perry White.
  • This is the first Post-Crisis appearance of Lex Luthor.
  • In the revised continuity, Lex Luthor is a corrupt businessman rather than an evil mad scientist. He made his last chronological appearance in a flashback in World of Metropolis #2.
  • Jimmy Olsen makes a chronologically earlier appearance in World of Metropolis #4.
  • Perry White makes a chronologically earlier appearance in World of Metropolis #2.
  • This is the first, and to date, only known appearance of Chuck.
  • This is the first, and to date, only known appearance of Guthire. He is Lex Luthor's chauffeur.
  • This is the first appearance of Captain Greg Reagan. He also appears in Adventures of Superman Annual #7.

Recommended Reading[]

See also[]


The World of Superman

Superman miscellaneous

External Links[]
