"Pop Goes the Cosmos!" is the twenty-second and final issue of the first Man-Thing ongoing comic book series published by Marvel Comics. The story was written by Steve Gerber with artwork and inks by Jim Mooney. It was colored by Don Warfield and lettered by Irv Watanabe. The story was edited by Len Wein. This issue shipped with an October, 1975 cover date and carries a cover price of .25 cents per copy.
The tagline to this issue is "Is This the Day the Man-Thing Dies?"
This issue is reprinted in black and white in the Essential Man-Thing, Volume 2 trade paperback collection in August, 2008, and in full color in the Man-Thing Omnibus hardcover collection, published in October, 2012, as well as the Man-Thing by Steve Gerber: The Complete Collection, Volume 3 trade paperback collection from April, 2021.