"A Book Burns in Citrusville!" is the seventeenth issue of the first Man-Thing ongoing comic book series published by Marvel Comics. The story was written by Steve Gerber with artwork and inks by Jim Mooney. It was colored by Petra Goldberg and lettered by Joe Rosen. The story was edited by Len Wein. This issue shipped with a May, 1975 cover date and carries a cover price of .25 cents per copy.
The storyline from this issue is continued from Man-Thing #16, as well as "The Kid's Night Out!" story from Giant-Size Man-Thing #4. This is the Man-Thing's previous chronological appearance.
One of the songs that Richard Rory plays over the radio is "Teach Your Children" by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, which is topical as it relates to the central plot of this issue.
That OTHER swamp guy[]
Meanwhile, over in DC Comics, resident muck monster Swamp Thing gets enlisted by a priestess on Kala Pago to help her zombie army in a revolution against a tyrannical regime over in Swamp Thing #16.