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Mamie Dubcek
Aliases: Mrs. Dubcek
Continuity: 3rd Rock from the Sun
Type: Supporting character
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Location: Rutherford, Ohio
Relatives: Vicki Dubcek (daughter); Ex-husband (deceased)
Status: Alive
First: 3rd Rock from the Sun: Brains and Eggs
Actor: Elmarie Wendel

Mrs. Mamie Dubcek is a supporting character featured on the NBC television series 3rd Rock from the Sun. She is played by actress Elmarie Wendel and was introduced in the series' pilot episode, "Brains and Eggs".


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Mrs. Dubcek is a middle-aged woman who owns a home in the suburbs of Rutherford, Ohio. Following the death of her ex-husband, Mrs. Dubcek supplemented her income by renting out the attic loft of the home. In 1996 she rented it out to the Solomon family, which consisted of family patriarch Dick Solomon, his younger sister Sally Solomon, his brother Harry Solomon and his son Tommy. Little did Mrs. Dubcek realize though, was the fact that the Solomons were actually space aliens who had come to Earth to learn about the planet's people and culture.


Mrs. Dubcek lives below the Solomon family and is portrayed as a loose and carefree woman who is prone to having many sexual partners. For this reason, she often acts as a bizarre and unlikely guide for the Solomons in handling problems in their love lives.

Notes & Trivia[]

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3rd Rock from the Sun Character
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