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Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Magic blast
Magic blast
Classification: Super-power
Associated franchises: DC Universe
Marvel Universe
Associated films: Doctor Strange
Associated comics: Doctor Fate Vol 1
Doctor Strange Vol 1
Dollface Vol 1
Character examples: Kent Nelson; Stephen Strange; Karl Mordo; Dormammu; Nabu; Lila Thorsguard
Related articles: Energy projection; Magic; Sorcery

A magic blast is a superhuman ability used by those who can manipulate mystical energy. The power itself can manifest from within or be drawn from an external source, such as an alternate dimension that is rich in magical energy. Generally, the strength of a magic blast may intensify the closer one is to a ley line, which is like a vein of mystical power that stretches across a landscape. In most cases, those who possess this power can emit a blast of magic energy from their hands, which makes it easier to target opponents. The nature of the blast itself may vary. It can possess the properties of a concussive burst of energy, or a stream of thermal energy, or may even disintegrate a target. Some magic blasts can have an affect on spiritual energy and can be used to exorcise an invading spirit from a host body.

Characters who can project magic blasts[]

Name Source
Ancient One Marvel Universe
Elva DollFace
Kent Nelson DC Universe
Lila Thorsguard DollFace
Nabu DC Universe
Stephen Strange Marvel Universe

Items that can project magic blasts[]

Name Source






See also[]

External Links[]

