Includes a list of characters, actors and production crew members whose first names are Maggie. |
Black Betty[]
Maggie was a young Caucasian woman with blonde hair with pinks streaks in it. She lived three states east of California and was the daughter of Jeb. She had a brother named Lucas. In 2018, Maggie had been abducted by a troll and sealed away in a cave, where he intended on either killing, eating, or impregnating her at some future date. Jeb hired Betty Walker - a self-styled monster hunter to rescue her and kill the troll. Along with Lucas, they ventured into the woods and found the troll's cave. When Maggie first saw Black Betty, she was startled and struck her with a bone from a dead goat. Betty took a quick liking to Maggie, and after leaving the cave, they went off in search of Lucas. (Black Betty 1)